Sunday 30 March 2014

The Complete Return of Chronicles of Breadmix

(Some of the breadmix has been used. The remainders are being used to make bread rolls)

C - I used a third of the breadmix last time. How much water do I need?

D - (weighs the mix) You used half of it last time.

C - No. I used 250g of it.

D - It's a 500g bag. Half of 500 is 250.

C - So how much water do I need?

D - Half of the amount in the instructions.

C - But I don't like reading instructions.

D - I can tell.

(After mixing the dough together)

C - How do I mix this like bread?

D - You knead it.

C - How do I knead?

D - I thought I told you. How did you mix this bread up last time?

C - I just hit it a lot.

(D demonstrates kneading)

C - I can do this now.

(During the second kneading session)

C - How do I knead again?

(The dough is kneaded and rested)

C - D, how many bread rolls can this make?

D - See how many the instructions say, and half it.

C - I don't like instructions. It says 10 or 12. I don't know which.

D - So it can make 5 or 6 rolls.

C - How do you know that?

D - It's half of 10 and 12.

(The bread rolls have been left to rise for 40 minutes)

C - Now what?

D - Put them in the oven.

C - For how long?

D - Didn't we have this conversation last time? Read the instructions. 

(The bread rolls were put in the oven and checked on every five minutes)

(The rolls are being stared at)

C - Do I need to turn them over?

D - No.

C - I'm going to turn them over.

D - You really don't need to. 

C - Why not?

D - Do you turn over cakes?

C - I could do if I wanted to.

(She did turn over every roll)

The complete return of the chronicles of breadmix

The return of chronicles of bread mix - part 5

The return of chronicles of bread mix - part 4

The return of chronicles of bread mix - part 3

The return of  chronicles of bread mix - part 2

The return of the chronicles of bread mix - part 1

The original chronicles of bread mix

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