Sunday, 30 March 2014

The Complete Return of Chronicles of Breadmix

(Some of the breadmix has been used. The remainders are being used to make bread rolls)

C - I used a third of the breadmix last time. How much water do I need?

D - (weighs the mix) You used half of it last time.

C - No. I used 250g of it.

D - It's a 500g bag. Half of 500 is 250.

C - So how much water do I need?

D - Half of the amount in the instructions.

C - But I don't like reading instructions.

D - I can tell.

(After mixing the dough together)

C - How do I mix this like bread?

D - You knead it.

C - How do I knead?

D - I thought I told you. How did you mix this bread up last time?

C - I just hit it a lot.

(D demonstrates kneading)

C - I can do this now.

(During the second kneading session)

C - How do I knead again?

(The dough is kneaded and rested)

C - D, how many bread rolls can this make?

D - See how many the instructions say, and half it.

C - I don't like instructions. It says 10 or 12. I don't know which.

D - So it can make 5 or 6 rolls.

C - How do you know that?

D - It's half of 10 and 12.

(The bread rolls have been left to rise for 40 minutes)

C - Now what?

D - Put them in the oven.

C - For how long?

D - Didn't we have this conversation last time? Read the instructions. 

(The bread rolls were put in the oven and checked on every five minutes)

(The rolls are being stared at)

C - Do I need to turn them over?

D - No.

C - I'm going to turn them over.

D - You really don't need to. 

C - Why not?

D - Do you turn over cakes?

C - I could do if I wanted to.

(She did turn over every roll)

The complete return of the chronicles of breadmix

The return of chronicles of bread mix - part 5

The return of chronicles of bread mix - part 4

The return of chronicles of bread mix - part 3

The return of  chronicles of bread mix - part 2

The return of the chronicles of bread mix - part 1

The original chronicles of bread mix

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Thursday, 20 March 2014

The Return of Chronicles of Breadmix - Part 2

(After mixing the dough together)

C - How do I mix this like bread?

D - You knead it.

C - How do I knead?

D - I thought I told you. How did you mix this bread up last time?

C - I just hit it a lot.

(D demonstrates kneading)

C - I can do this now.

(During the second kneading session)

C - How do I knead again?

The complete return of the chronicles of breadmix

The return of chronicles of bread mix - part 5

The return of chronicles of bread mix - part 4

The return of chronicles of bread mix - part 3

The return of  chronicles of bread mix - part 2

The return of the chronicles of bread mix - part 1

The original chronicles of bread mix

Monday, 17 March 2014

The Return of Chronicles of Breadmix - Part 1

(Some of the breadmix has been used. The remainders are being used to make bread rolls)

C - I used a third of the breadmix last time. How much water do I need?

D - (weighs the mix) You used half of it last time.

C - No. I used 250g of it.

D - It's a 500g bag. Half of 500 is 250.

C - So how much water do I need?

D - Half of the amount in the instructions.

C - But I don't like reading instructions.

D - I can tell.

The complete return of the chronicles of breadmix

The return of chronicles of bread mix - part 5

The return of chronicles of bread mix - part 4

The return of chronicles of bread mix - part 3

The return of  chronicles of bread mix - part 2

The return of the chronicles of bread mix - part 1

The original chronicles of bread mix

Friday, 14 March 2014

He is now called Steelman

(After the Man of Steel advert is shown in the cinema)

Oh. I thought this was a Superman advert. He looked just like Superman.

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

This is not the name you are looking for

(We spent the previous few minutes trying to remember the name of an actor in an advert. D and M thought it was Luke, but C was convinced it was something different)

C - Look, his name is Luke!

M - That was our argument though.

C - Yeah, and? I was right.

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Now it's just a box

(Note - the company Virgin provide set top boxes which provides a television service)

C - We kept turning our Virgin box on and off. We tried plugging it into other TVs too. Then there was smoke, and it was on fire. It doesn't work any more.

D - I guess it is no longer a virgin box. That sounds like an STD.

C - (Laughs then stops) I don't get it.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Zombie Maude

(During an episode of The Simpsons - Flanders' house has been destroyed by a storm)

Flanders - Maude? Rod? Todd?

C - Is this before or after Maude dies?

M - She gets killed by a shirt gun.

C - Yeah. So is this before or after that?

Sunday, 2 March 2014

I believe there may be another reason

(During an advert for the film 'The Lone Ranger')

That guy looks nothing like Zorro. Did they change the actor?