Sunday, 29 December 2013

That's blasphemy

(During The Shawshank Redemption)

C - The only good actors are American.

M - We have good actors too. Alan Rickman, Sean Connery...

C - Who are they?

Thursday, 26 December 2013

Title competition

D - You're using your cutlery the wrong way round.

C - Oh, I thought something was wrong.

Got a good title for this post? Leave it in the comments.

Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Happy Christmas

Happy Christmas, readers. A new post is coming tomorrow that needs a title. Post comments for catchy titles from midnight.

Monday, 23 December 2013

Same difference

(When measuring up for a graduation cap)

C - How big does it say?

M - [Number] inches, just over.

C - What does it say now?

M - [Same number] inches, just over.

C - Urgh. That's wrong. (Flips over the tape measure) What does it say now?

M - [Number] centimetres. 

C - That's better.

M - But it's the same length. Just in centimetres.

C - No, it's the right number now.

Friday, 20 December 2013

Time flies when you're having fun

How do I write four and a half seconds? It’s 4:30 for four and a half minutes. Would it be 4.30 seconds?

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Time travel does exist

(Whilst watching an anniversary programme about the Titanic)

M - The Titanic sunk 101 years ago today.

C - So what year did it sink? 19…23?

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

He died when he was killed (part two)

(When watching a dance act on Britain's Got Talent)

D - So this dance was the story of a man and woman who met at Stonehenge, danced on Tower Bridge, had a kid, and then the husband went to war and was killed.

C - That would have been a happier ending.

D - That is exactly what we saw though.

C - But he died.

D - That’s what being killed means.

He died when he was killed (part one)

Sunday, 8 December 2013

There are no words that can make this quote less insulting

What’s cerebral palsy? Does that just mean he’s spasticated?

Editor's note: This flat is where political correctness goes to die.

Other editor's note: We really do not endorse the use of this word in any context ever.

Thursday, 5 December 2013

It can be turned on and off at will

(When talking about watching a television programme being filmed)

She needed the toilet like every five minutes. Like, if you need to pee all the time, stop being pregnant.